The script

Attatched below is the script for my production Post. Some changes were made on the day, as audience interaction led the script astray every now and then and allowed for moments of humorous improvisation.


By Dean Brewer

Pre-set: Fog covers the stage as the participant walks in. Throughout a low frequency hum of 19.8 hz is played. The stage is lit by a cold white light. Nothing but the hut which is adorned with paraphernalia is visible.  The participant will walk into the space approaching the hut. At which point the Völva will appear behind them The Völva should be dressed in something that flows. They are apocalyptic in their appearance much like their hut. Their outfit cobbled together from anything they can find. Make up should be alarming. Drawing special attention to their eyes. The gender of the völva is irrelevant. The völva will not touch the participant at this juncture. But they will make their presence known after a while.

As the play progresses the lights dim until the end when the lights are extinguished.

Völva: Shit…The Völva is shocked by the appearance of these newcomers but tries not to show it Sorry…Most come here looking for trouble. Time was they came out here lookin’ for a spell, a story or their future. Though I’m lacking in futures now. Who are you? They answer Smile Never heard of ya. Sorry guys. But you come out here looking for me so we can get started.  Have you heard of me?

The participant responds.

(If yes) Völva: Good. Then you should know it is all true. Every last word of it. Especially the bad things. they smile Knowing that, will you trust me?

(If no) Völva: Hurm.  And yet you travelled all this way and just happened to meet me? If you live as long as I have, you start to doubt that fate is so convenient. I need to ask you, will you trust in a complete stranger not to lie to you? Or to bend the truth in anyway?

Völva: Come. Sit. Drink if you will. The last carton of apple juice in existence. They pour a glass To your good health and the memory of the bees. Never thought I’d miss them little buggers as much as I do. Fuck wasps though right? Of all the things that have vanished since, I, for one, am glad them little arse bastards are gone. Now. Tell me what you want. No-one comes here without wanting for something. My kind trade and trafficked in secrets and I can offer you a few things of that nature. A story or They pause I can try for a future…But there ain’t a lot of it. Participant answer You see, there is very little future left anymore. Nothing I can see will not happen soon and no warning can I give will be helpful. My warnings have brought enough trouble as it is. Still you’re here. I’m here despite everything so that must count for something no?

As the participant sits with the Völva, the lights dim and focus into the hut.

Völva: Still now to business. They turn and stare into the participant’s eyes. Tell me what you want, of the things I can offer you. A story, they offer a battered book, Or a future. They offer a rune. And I will ask only one thing as payment. It is, for some, customary to offer silver. In these times silver matters as little as pig shit so I won’t take your money. If you had any to begin with.

If the participant asks what they must pay,

Völva: I will ask one thing and one thing only, and I will ask of it after I have read for you. My people trafficked in mysteries and secrets. There is little I do not know. You are not the first person to come here. Nor, do I think, will you be the last. But my payment is mine to decide, as it has always been. Knowing this, would you like to proceed?

In the event that someone responds in the negative gentle improv and prompting as well as reassurance that,

Völva: While you are with me no harm can befall you. I ain’t the spiteful type and my magics all but dried up at this point so I can’t hurt you none. As for the Jötunar, Aesir, Varnir they cant come ‘ere. It’s getting back safe that would worry me if I was you.

In the event they choose a story tell them of Jord’s garden:

Völva: hrm. Very well. All I have is a sad tale for these sad times In the beginning, there walked in the world a giantess called Jord. While the gods built the world with pride, she thought it dull. For while the gods were of a practical mind, they paid little attention to art and colour. So, using her magic she went after them giving colour to the trees and the oceans. Each animal she painted and each river she carved with her fingers, as a child carves patterns in sand. It was when she was found painting autumn colours onto an oak she was she was brought to the maker gods. They had noticed her work and were in awe of it. With their leader asking her to teach him how she mixed colours and she did with glee. Through the years the two worked together the two grew close and from their union they came a son. However, sadly their union did not last. The two parted amicably and as a gift, she was given a garden. A great garden that spanned the realms covering hills, mountains and rivers. In her kindness and wisdom, she opened the garden to all as she worked on it. Birds and beasts of all stripes came and lived there happily under Jord’s guidance. It became a haven for creatures whose homes were destroyed either by hunters or by floods. When she had worked the garden to its peak she sat on a mountain and finally allowed herself to sleep. And sleep she did for such a long and well deserved time.

Völva: Now. As the garden grew more creatures were drawn to it. One day a fire broke out in one corner of the garden which spread quickly causing devistation before the creatures of the garden were able to do anything. The fire was quelled eventually, but the animals were afraid another like it could happen which would destroy their home. So, they decided to cut deep grooves through the garden. Running from east to west which they filled with sand. So that if fire broke out in one half of the forest, they would run to the other and the fire would not follow.  It seemed a good idea. Until the divide was built and someone said, “I think their half is bigger.”

Völva: I don’t know who said that. But the animals convened and argued about whose side was bigger. No solution was found leaving their hearts full of resentment and hurt towards “them of the other side”. It was eventually agreed that the forest would be halved again. This time from north to south, so that the garden was drawn into quarters. Again, not before long, this time a different voice, argued that their quarter needed to be bigger. And so it went on. Petty squabbling consumed the animals as they cut down more trees to feed the fires they now needed to keep warm. For the forrest was now open to the cold harsh winds of the north and the south. The air was choking full of smoke but they needed the fire as it was the only way they could keep from freezing entirely. After a year of this, where once the land had been green, it was now dust and burning. The ash from the fires clogged the water of the rivers that flowed through Jord’s garden and turned it grey. The fish could not breathe in it and they drowned. Before long the beasts forgot the colour of the sky as smoke had it covered all day and night. After the last trees were gone the colour of leaves too left their minds.  Eventually with no food, no clean water and choking on the air they breathed the beasts of Jord’s garden died.

Völva: When Jord awoke she looked down upon her garden and saw little but a wasteland choked with bones and smog. She gave a cry of anguish so loud it sent boulders cascading down the mountain. She tried to revive it using her magic, but it was too far gone. The ground was poisoned with decay. Nothing could grow there again.

Völva: I don’t know if Jord is still out there. But after that it rained for the first time. Some say the rain is her way of letting out her grief.  It started to burn before our air got choked up. The rain I mean. Before the long winter. Before our own sky grew dark. I think now it’s more her rage that we didn’t learn from her garden. I don’t remember a time I wasn’t scared of the rain.
Völva: I’m sorry. There’s not much more else to tell. The forest was destroyed. Through the animal’s greed and jealousy. If only we had learnt from that sooner. Can’t be helped now really. Right. Now payment….I think I will take…a secret. One from each of you. When told it will stay with me in this room and you can whisper it to me if you wish.

Völva: Hm. I think that all deserves another service don’t you? Lemme see what the fates have in store for you lot. I know there’s no point but a little foresight never hurt anyone now did it? …can you show me your palm? Hm. Improv That can’t be right. How old are you? Hm well this tells me that you still have many miles to go before you get what you want. Your work may not always be good enough but when it is you know it is. You have years…years? Yes that’s what it says…years you have. The lines here and here intersect. Confused the Völva breaks away and casts the runes. I see. I mean I don’t, but I think I do. You’re from before. Which means that I was right. This is it. This is the end. The battles must already be happening…such power would break time itself and let people wander. This is it. Well, for me at least not for you, you get to go home and never think about this again if you don’t want to. But I would ask of you a favour. Please, if you can, stop this. I don’t know when it is you are from… but I think the winters are getting longer yes? The weather is getting stranger? There is still time. (did you ever hear the tale of Jord’s garden?)

Völva: The Völva looks out. It doesn’t have to be like this. Please promise me you’ll try and avert this. There are alternatives to burning the trees and the old bones, you just have to look for them.

Völva: I tell you what. I can’t come back with you but I can at least help you back. My magic is almost gone but this old dog’s got some tricks left. Everyone join hands. Close your eyes.

As the Völva chants the lights dim but a bright spotlight comes up on the door to the studio. When the Völva finishes they see the door.

Völva: Well. There it is.  You should go I don’t know how long it will stay open so I’d advise getting gone pretty quick like. As they go to leave, Remember. Don’t deny what your eyes and ears tell you. It might be important. And don’t listen to fuckers who say it’s not happening in your time because it is. It is coming. You need to be ready.

As the Völva says this the lights cut to black.


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